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TCFD is a completely unlimited CFD engineering software with the benefits of open-source and commercial codes. TCFD is a standalone tool that works best inside the simulation environment TCAE. TCAE consists of modules TMESHTCFDTFEA, TCAA, and TOPT.

Potsdam propeller PPTC TCFD Vorticity 3M
Centrifugal Fan TCAE 2410 GUI

CFD SUPPORT introduces the new generation of CFD simulations. TCFD brings an extreme increase of productivity to CFD simulations. TCFD successfully merged benefits of both open-source and commercial codes. Due to open-source nature, TCFD is perpetual, unlimited users, jobs, and cores, customizable. Due to commercial code nature, TCFD is professionally supported, well tested, ready for the industry, robust, accurate, automated, has GUI, has documentation and many more. Because TCFD is unlimited, it fits very well with demanding simulations like optimization, transient or aeroacoustics.

TCFD 19.04 Spitfire 4

TCFD is fully automated, it can run the whole workflow by a single command: data input, new case is written down, mesh is created, case is set-up, case is simulated, results are evaluated and the results report is written down. Both GUI and batch mode. Data in – data out.

TCFD is mainly focused on supporting the engineers in their real value added work. TCFD is fully automated and the beauty of TCFD is that it is the user who decides how deep to dive into the CFD or not at all. And all the options remain open at the same time.

TCFD 19.10 interface Room Heat Transfer 2

TCFD is from the beginning developed to fit any existing CAE workflow. TCFD has a modular (plugin) character. Any part of it can be used within other applications. It has strong interfaces to cover a wide range of input and output data.

TCFD 18.10 virtual tunnel interface

TCFD is a complete workflow. It covers a complete process, from reading basic (usually CAD) data, over the CFD analysis, to the significant engineering results. It is a final outcome of many years of development of CFD support team of engineers and developers. TCFD was from the beginnning developed in a way to be automated, easy, flexible and accurate at the same time.

TCFD 18.10 radial pump interface

TCFD numerical solver is based on OpenFOAM®. TCFD is not dependent on other software but it is fully compatible with standard OpenFOAM® and other software packages. It was originally designed for simulating rotational machines, nevertheless it can be used for a wide range of various CFD simulations.

TCFD 18.10 HV interface
TCFD 18.10 Francis Turbine interface

Each individual TCFD simulation run has its own results report in web responsive .html format, or PDF format. The report can be updated anytime during the simulation run. The engineers always know what are the current results of the running simulation. 


TCFD also includes the Turbo Blade Post software – a special set of ParaView plugins for postprocessing of turbomachinery. TCFD also includes the CFD Processor software – a tool for process automation and manipulation. TCFD also includes the TCFDSource and TCFDManager – a special set of ParaView plugins for easy creation of configuration files and simulation run in ParaView.

10 removebg preview
TurbomachineryCFD radial turbine compressible efficiency

TCFD is provided both for Linux and also for Microsoft Windows OS, see OpenFOAM® for Windows. The TCFD includes detailed tutorials of real machines. The tutorials cover the complete process from the basic model data to the final results. Once the tutorial is completed, the user can easily repeat the whole process with his own data. All the workflow is fully automated.


CFD SUPPORT provides a full technical support for the package via phone call +420 212 243 883 or at or any other AOL, or tools like Teamviewer, Skype, Gotomeeting, WebEx and others. TCFD is maintained and regularly updated. CFD SUPPORT engineers are instantly working on additional software modules and extensions covering even more physics. To ensure the smooth start of using this workflow at customer’s site we are able to provide extensive training during which our experienced lecturer shows the functionality and answers all the possible questions.

TurbomachineryCFD fan nq28 compressible phi eta web

Differences between TCFD, standard OpenFOAM® and typical Commercial software

  • Open-source Solver
  • Unlimited Users, Jobs & Cores
  • Robust Solvers
  • Special Boundary Conditions
  • Real Tutorials
  • Turbo Pre/Postprocessing
  • Automated Process (Workflow)
  • Native Linux & Windows
  • Smart HTML Reporting
  • Graphical Interface (GUI)
  • Free of Charge

Standard OpenFOAM®

  • Open-source Solver
  • Unlimited Users, Jobs & Cores
  • Robust Solvers
  • Special Boundary Conditions
  • Real Tutorials
  • Turbo Pre/Postprocessing
  • Automated Process (Workflow)
  • Native Linux & Windows
  • Smart HTML Reporting
  • Graphical Interface (GUI)
  • Free of Charge

Commercial Software

  • Open-source Solver
  • Unlimited Users, Jobs & Cores
  • Robust Solvers
  • Special Boundary Conditions
  • Real Tutorials
  • Turbo Pre/Postprocessing
  • Automated Process (Workflow)
  • Native Linux & Windows
  • Smart HTML Reporting
  • Graphical Interface (GUI)
  • Free of Charge
radial turbine design process surface model
radial centrifugal turbine model openfoam cfd
radial turbine openfoam cfd pressure streamtraces
radial turbine convergence residuals example inv

Due to the open-source platform, the package is highly customizable. Having the technical support any additional functions can be added all over the workflow.

axial turbine stage blade in points
axial turbine stage blade in background mesh
axial turbine stage blade cascade rotor stator interaction
axial turbine stage openfoam radial temperature averaged

Especially for TCFD, CFD SUPPORT developed a special set of OpenFOAM® boundary conditions e.g. to handle the rotor – stator interface, or boundary conditions for the inlet and the outlet of the computational domain. The solvers for TCFD were heavily tested on real machine cases and showed perfect agreement with available measurements. The solvers are robust to handle the extreme flow conditions, it shows for axample an excellent performance for transonic flows.

turbocharger OpenFOAM CFD temperature streamlines transparent

Please contact us for further information.